
Ziafont reads TrueType/OpenType font files and draws characters and strings as SVG <path> elements. Unlike the SVG <text> element, the output of Ziafont’s SVG will render identically on any system, independent of whether the original font is available. However, the SVG will not be text-searchable, as characters are replaced by curves.

Ziafont supports fonts with TrueType glyph outlines contained in a “glyf” table in the font (these fonts typically have a .ttf extensions), or fonts with a “CFF “ table (typically with a .otf extension). Kerning adjustment is supported if the font has a “GPOS” table, and ligature substitution is supported if the font has a “GSUB” table.


import ziafont
font = ziafont.Font('NotoSerif-Regular.ttf')
s = font.text('Z').svg()
print(s[:80])  # Just show 80 characters here...
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlin


Ziafont can be installed using pip:

pip install ziafont

No dependencies are required.


See Ziafont in action as it runs in your browser through PyScript here!


If you appreciate Ziafont, buy me a coffee to show your support!

Source code is available on Github.

Ziafont is used by the Ziamath and Ziaplot Python packages.